Here's another hexameter fable by Faernus, a version of the famous fable of the fox and the mask!
66. Vulpes et LarvaMimi ingressa domum vulpes, dum singula rerum
Visendi studio scaenae instrumenta revolvit,
Formosi larvam simulacrum repperit oris,
Inque manus sumens, animoque et lumine lustrans,
O quam insigne caput, specie quam, dixit, honesta
Sed rationis inops cassoque informe cerebro.
Sordet honos formae nisi cui sapientia juncta est.
Here is the poem written out in English prose order to help in reading:
ingressa domum mimi,
dum revolvit instrumenta scaenae,
studio visendi singula rerum,
repperit larvam,
simulacrum formosi oris,
et dixit,
sumens (simulacrum) in manus,
lustrans et animo et lumine,
"O quam insigne caput,
quam honesta specie!
sed inops rationis (est) et informe,
casso cerebro."
honos formae sordet
nisi sapientia juncta est ei.
The fox in this fable is clearly in possession of
ratio, something the (human) head is not.
And here's the meter marked:
Mim~ in·gressa do·mum vul·pes, dum · singula · rerum
Visen·di studi·o scae·n~ instru·menta re·volvit,
Formo·si lar·vam simu·lacrum · repperit · oris,
Inque ma·nus su·mens, ani·moqu~ et · lumine · lustrans,
O qu~ in·signe ca·put, speci·e quam, · dixit, ho·nesta
Sed rati·onis i·nops cas·soqu~ in·forme ce·rebro.
Sordet ho·nos for·mae nisi · cui sapi·entia · junct~ est.
You can find
illustrations for the fable here. This is an illustration by
Meanwhile, for more, here are the
other hexameter poems I've posted so far here at the blog. :-)