Vultur et Aliae Aves
Vultur, natalem simulans se celebrare, aves
Domum invitavit. Deinde, ingressus, ostium
Occlusit atque caedere coepit singulas.
Sic spem tribuentes saepe struunt contraria.
As in many Aesop's fables, the emphasis is not on how wicked the vulture is; instead, the emphasis is on how foolish the birds were to accept his invitation. The epimythium warns us to be on the lookout for people who, like the vulture, get our hopes up only in order to destroy us.
Here is the poem written out in English prose order to help in reading:
se celebrare natalem,
se celebrare natalem,
invitavit aves domum.
Deinde ingressus,
occlusit ostium
atque coepit caedere singulas.
tribuentes spem
saepe struunt contraria.
And here's the meter marked:
Vultur, · nata·lem simu·lans se · celebrar~ · aves
Dom~ in·vita·vit. Deind~ · ingres·sus os·tium
Occlu·sit at·que cae·dere coe·pit sin·gulas.
Sic spem · tribuen·tes sae·pe struunt · contra·ria.
Here is an illustration from Steinhowel's Aesop:

Meanwhile, for more, here are the other iambic poems I've posted so far here at the blog. :-)
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