3.7 Camelus et Jupiter
Camelus olim sortis pertaesus suae
Conquestus est, armari taurum cornibus,
At sese inermem ceteris animalibus
Objectum; cornua ergo sibi concederet,
Jovem rogavit. Deus at iratus preces
Audire ineptas non recusavit modo,
Sed curtari etiam voluit aures bestiae.
Fortuna vivat quisque contentus sua.
Here is the poem written out in English prose order to help in reading:
Camelus, pertaesus suae sortis,
conquestus est
taurum armari cornibus,
at sese objectum (esse),
inermem ceteris animalibus;
ergo rogavit Jovem
concederet cornua sibi,
at deus, iratus,
non modo recusavit audire ineptas preces,
sed etiam voluit
aures bestiae curtari.
Quisque vivat contentus fortuna sua.
The syntax is a bit tricky because it is all done through indirect speech. It would be a lot easier to understand if it were just a dialogue between the camel and Jupiter, but even so, I really like this fable.
The meter is iambic, and here is some help with the meter (for more about iambic meter, see the post about Desbillons 1.1).
Came·lus o·lim sor·tis per·taesus · suae
Conques·tus est, · arma·ri tau·rum cor·nibus,
At se·s~ iner·mem ce ·teris · anima·libus
Objec·tum; cor·nu~ er·go sibi · conce·deret,
Jovem · roga·vit. Deus · at i·ratus · preces
Audi·re inep·tas non · recu·savit · modo,
Sed cur·tar~ eti·am volu·it au·res bes·tiae.
Fortu·na vi·vat quis·que con·tentus · sua.
You can find illustrations for the fable here. I like how Francis Barlow included a pyramid in this one to let us know we are in north Africa (camels!), and among the horned creatures that the camel envies, he even included a unicorn:

Meanwhile, for more Desbillons, here are the other poems I've posted so far here at the blog. :-)
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